by Bloc Party

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:21 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


A Weekend In The City

Song Author

Kele Okereke

Tabbed by

Matt Pollard


1st → Kele Okereke
2nd → Gordon Moakes - Bass
3rd → Russell Lissack
4th → Gordon Moakes - Glockenspiel
5th → Matt Tong
6th → Strings/Background Effects
7th → Additional Vocals/Piano
8th → Kele Vocals
9th → Russell II

File Size

61 KB




Walk-i-ng i-n the count-ry-si-de It seems that the winds have sto-pped I took down the pos-ters from my walls Left let-ters for you a-ll I re-mem-ber mo-ments of hap-pi-ne-ss End-less sum-mer a-cous-tic gui-ta-rs Being a ma-n made me co-arse When I want-ed to be del-i-ca-te I call-ed up Eu-gene Told him I was dr-o-w-n-ing I call-ed up Eu-gene Told him I was dr-o-w-n-ing Like a cast-a-way o-n a warm o-ce-a-n Wait-ing fo-r a pur-pose to ri-se They say it's no-t be-co-ming For a bo-y my age If you want to kn-ow what makes me sa-d Well it's hope, the en-dur-ance of fa-ith A bat-tle that la-sts a li-fe-time A fi-ght that ne-ver en-ds Aaaa-aaa-aaa-aaah aaah Aaaa-aaa-aaa-aaah aaah Aaaa-aaa-aaa-aaah aaaa-aaah Aaaa-aaa-aaa-aaah aaah Walk-i-ng i-n the count-ry-si-de It seems that the winds have sto-pped Tell my mo-ther I am sor-ry And I l-o-ved her